The Organic Vegetable Grower: A practical guide to growing for the market
Sumption P (2023) The Organic Vegetable Grower: A practical guide to growing for the market Crowood Press, United Kingdom.

Organic Pest and Disease Management A practical guide for Organic Farmers, Growers and Smallholders
Davies G, Sumption P, Rosenfeld A (2010) Organic Pest and Disease Management A practical guide for Organic Farmers, Growers and Smallholders, Crowood Press, United Kingdom.

Organic Vegetable Production - a Complete Guide
Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. (2005) Crowood Press, United Kingdom. Contributory author (Chapters 2, 3, 8, 12, 13)

SOLID Farmer Handbook
The SOLID Farmer Handbook is a series of technical notes, produced by ORC, presenting a selection of results and recommendations of the work undertaken in SOLID (Sustainable Organic and Low Input Da. The technical notes cover three thematic areas which we believe are particularly important for organic and low-input farming: feeding of ruminants with forage-based diets and home-grown feeds; animal management for health and welfare; and wider issues of the environment and economics. Download the Farmers Handbook or individual technical notes from
Padel S, Zaralis K, Measures M, Sumption P (2016) Farmer Handbook reporting the outcome of participatory research findings. SOLID Deliverable 1.2. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Caldbeck, Janie and Sumption, Phil (2016) Mind the gap – exploring the yield gaps between conventional and organic arable and potato crops. Organic Research Centre Bulletin, December 2016 (121), pp. 9-15.
ICOPP Technical Notes, 1-4. Organic Research Centre.
Sumption, P.D and Lennartsson, M (2008). IOTA Research Review – Organic Plant Raising.
Rosenfeld, A and Sumption, P.D (2009). IOTA Research Review – Pest and Disease Control in Organic Vegetables.
Schmutz, Ulrich & Rayns, Francis & Sumption, Phil. (2006). 10-year interdisciplinary monitoring of organic stockless, vegetable rotations at Warwick-HRI, Kirton, South Lincolnshire, UK.
Sumption, P.D., C. Firth and G. Davies (2004). Observations on agronomic challenges during conversion to organic field vegetable production. Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
Adams, J.E., P.D. Sumption and R.J. Turner (2004). The effects of conversion to organic field vegetable production on the populations of two perennial weeds, couch grass (Elytrigia repens) and creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense). Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
Davies, G., S. Harlock and P. Sumption (2004). Vegetable variety testing for organic farming systems: are growers’ needs being met? Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
Firth, C., Schmutz U., Hamilton R., Sumption S., (2004). The economics of conversion to organic field vegetable production. Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society
Rayns, F. and P. Sumption (2004). Soil fertility – changes during the conversion process. Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
DAVIES, GARETH & Rosenfeld, Anton & Sumption, Phil. (2019). Organic Weed Management: 'knowledge transfer' or 'communication and learning'?.
Davies, G., Sumption, P., Crockatt, M., Gladders, P., Wolfe, M., & Haward, R. (2002) Developing improved strategies for pest and disease management in organic vegetable production systems in the UK. The BCPC Conference, Pests and Diseases 2002, 547-552.
Mark Hesketh, Phil Sumption, Chris Firth (2002) The use of case studies in researching the conversion to organic farming systems. IOR- HDRA, Ryton Organic Gardens, Coventry, UK. Proceedings of the UK Organic Research Conference 2002, Aberystwyth.
Books & book chapters
Organic Pest and Disease Management A practical guide for Organic Farmers, Growers and Smallholders - Gareth Davies, Phil Sumption and Anton Rosenfeld (2010), Crowood Press, United Kingdom.
Rosenfeld, A., Sumption, P & Davies, G. Organic Vegetable Production Systems. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. (2005) Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.17-34
Davies, G. Sumption, P., Harlock, S. & Nunis, T. Crops, Seeds and Varieties. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.35-66
Sumption, P. Protected Cropping. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.155-169
Sumption, P., Nunis, T., Rosenfeld, A. & Davies, G.. Vegetable Crops for Organic Production. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.226-323
Davies, G & Sumption, P. Sources of Information and Advice. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.324-330
Also contributed to; The Organic Farm Management Handbook (ed Lampkin, Measures and Padel), 5th edition (2002), 6th edition (2004) 7th edition (2007), 8th edition (2009), 9th edition (2011), 10th Edition (2014) and 11th Edtion (2017), Davies, G., Turner, B., and Bond, B. (2008), Weed Management for Organic Farmers, Growers and Smallholders - a Complete Guide Crowood Press, United Kingdom, Cubison, S. (2009) Organic Fruit Production and Viticulture – A complete guide, Crowood Press, United Kingdom.
Articles and blogs
I have written numerous articles for magazines including; The Organic Way, The Organic Grower, Organic Farming, The Vegetable Farmer, The Commercial Greenhouse Grower, The Grower and Star & Furrow. I contributed the organic editorial for The Vegetable yearbook from 2003-2013.
Sumption P (2018) Seeds - our culture and our future Agricology
Sumption P (2018) Dutch seed open days - 2018. The Organic Grower - No. 45 Winter 2018
Sumption P (2018) Dean Organic Fund interest free loans. The Organic Grower - No. 44 Autumn 2018
Bliss K, Padel S, Sumption P (2018) OK-NET Arable: Exchanging knowledge, enhancing organic farming ORC Bulletin No. 125 - Summer 2018
Sumption P (2018) Managing potato blight for small growers The Organic Grower - No. 42 Spring 2018
Sumption P (2017) Bucking the trend: an alternative approach to couch control Agricology
Sumption P (2017) Buckwheat for couch control in the summer of the bastard fallow The Organic Grower - No. 41 Winter 2017
Sumption P (2017) UK fears US decision on organic hydroponics post-Brexit ORC Bulletin No. 123 - Autumn/Winter 2017
Sumption P (2017) Agroforestry 2017: improving productivity for farmers and foresters The Organic Grower - No. 40 Autumn 2017
Sumption P, Amos D (2017) Organic potatoes: Cultivating quality - step by step ORC Bulletin No.122 - Spring/Summer 2017
Sumption P (2017) ORC at National Organic Combinable Crops 2017 ORC Bulletin No.122 - Spring/Summer 2017
Sumption P (2017) NOCC NOCC? Who’s there...? Agricology
Sumption P (2016) Practical organic farming solutions for an uncertain future Agricology
Sumption P (2016) Innovative Farmers - allelopathy and potato blight ORC Bulletin No. 120 Spring/Summer 2016
mption P (2016) Agricology open day at Daylesford Organic Farm ORC Bulletin No. 120 Spring/Summer 2016
Price D, Sumption P (2016) The Seed Co-operative finds a home The Organic Grower - No. 35 Summer 2016
Sumption P (2015) Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice Guest blog: Organic Research Centre for GWCT
Sumption P (2015) Horticultural costings tool ORC Bulletin No. 119 Autumn/Winter 2015
Sumption P (2015) A horticultural costings system fit for purpose The Organic Grower - No. 31 Summer 2015
Sumption P (2014) Are Sustainable Intensification & Organic Farming compatible? ARC2020
Sumption P (2014) Field horsetail - a relic of the past The Organic Grower - No. 28 Autumn 2014
Sumption P (2014) Shumei - naturally different The Organic Grower - No. 28 Autumn 2014
Sumption P (2013) Farewell but not goodbye to the retiring Roger Hitchings ORC Bulletin No. 112 Spring/Summer 2013
Sumption P (2012) Agroforestry - a new approach to increasing food production The Organic Grower - No. 21 Autumn 2012
Sumption P (2012) The ‘O’ Word - Use It Or Lose It. Phil Sumption reports on current affairs in the Organic world. The Land Issue 12 Summer 2012
Sumption P (2012) In praise of the nettle The Organic Grower - No. 18 Spring 2012
Sumption P (2012) Allium leaf miner - beware! The Organic Grower - No. 18 Spring 2012
Sumption P (2011) Sciarid flies The Organic Grower - No. 16 Autumn 2011
Meyer-Graft I, Sumption P (2011) Notes from a visit to Northern Germany The Organic Grower - No. 14 Spring 2011
Sumption P (2010) Connecting Organic - Bejo Conference The Organic Grower - No. 13 Winter 2010
Sumption P (2010) Biodynamic plant breeding and seed production workshop The Organic Grower - No. 12 Summer 2010
Sumption P (2010) Rocket science The Organic Grower - No. 12 Summer 2010
Sumption P (2010) Lamb's lettuce/Corn salad The Organic Grower - No.11 Winter 2009/Spring 2010
umption P (2010) OGA award: John and Ruth Daltry The Organic Grower - No. 11 Winter/Spring 2010
Sumption P (2009) New moves in horticultural machinery The Organic Grower - No. 10 Autumn/Winter 2009
Sumption P (2009) Pest in focus- Thrips The Organic Grower - No. 9 Summer 2009
Sumption P (2009) Blight resistant potatoes The Organic Grower - No. 9 Summer 2009
Sumption P (2009) Wakelyns Agroforestry The Organic Grower - No. 9 Summer 2009
Sumption P (2009) Weed profile - Common chickweed The Organic Grower - No.8. Spring 2009
Sumption P (2008) Protected cropping - where are we at? The Organic Grower - No. 6 Autumn 2008
Sumption P, Rosenfeld A (2008) Putting the G into green manures The Organic Grower - No. 5 Summer 2008
Sumption P (2007) Weed profile - Gallant Soldier The Organic Grower- No.2 Autumn 2007
Sumption P (2007) Revolting peasants The Organic Grower - No. 2 Autumn 2007
Sumption P (2007) The great cover-up The Organic Grower - No.1 Summer 2007

Organic Vegetable Production - a Complete Guide
Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. (2005) Crowood Press, United Kingdom. Contributory author (Chapters 2, 3, 8, 12, 13)

SOLID Farmer Handbook
The SOLID Farmer Handbook is a series of technical notes, produced by ORC, presenting a selection of results and recommendations of the work undertaken in SOLID (Sustainable Organic and Low Input Da. The technical notes cover three thematic areas which we believe are particularly important for organic and low-input farming: feeding of ruminants with forage-based diets and home-grown feeds; animal management for health and welfare; and wider issues of the environment and economics. Download the Farmers Handbook or individual technical notes from
Padel S, Zaralis K, Measures M, Sumption P (2016) Farmer Handbook reporting the outcome of participatory research findings. SOLID Deliverable 1.2. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Caldbeck, Janie and Sumption, Phil (2016) Mind the gap – exploring the yield gaps between conventional and organic arable and potato crops. Organic Research Centre Bulletin, December 2016 (121), pp. 9-15.
ICOPP Technical Notes, 1-4. Organic Research Centre.
Sumption, P.D and Lennartsson, M (2008). IOTA Research Review – Organic Plant Raising.
Rosenfeld, A and Sumption, P.D (2009). IOTA Research Review – Pest and Disease Control in Organic Vegetables.
Schmutz, Ulrich & Rayns, Francis & Sumption, Phil. (2006). 10-year interdisciplinary monitoring of organic stockless, vegetable rotations at Warwick-HRI, Kirton, South Lincolnshire, UK.
Sumption, P.D., C. Firth and G. Davies (2004). Observations on agronomic challenges during conversion to organic field vegetable production. Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
Adams, J.E., P.D. Sumption and R.J. Turner (2004). The effects of conversion to organic field vegetable production on the populations of two perennial weeds, couch grass (Elytrigia repens) and creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense). Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
Davies, G., S. Harlock and P. Sumption (2004). Vegetable variety testing for organic farming systems: are growers’ needs being met? Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
Firth, C., Schmutz U., Hamilton R., Sumption S., (2004). The economics of conversion to organic field vegetable production. Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society
Rayns, F. and P. Sumption (2004). Soil fertility – changes during the conversion process. Proceedings of BGS/AAB COR Organic Farming Conference held at Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, UK 20-22 April 2004, Occasional Symposium No 37 British Grassland Society.
DAVIES, GARETH & Rosenfeld, Anton & Sumption, Phil. (2019). Organic Weed Management: 'knowledge transfer' or 'communication and learning'?.
Davies, G., Sumption, P., Crockatt, M., Gladders, P., Wolfe, M., & Haward, R. (2002) Developing improved strategies for pest and disease management in organic vegetable production systems in the UK. The BCPC Conference, Pests and Diseases 2002, 547-552.
Mark Hesketh, Phil Sumption, Chris Firth (2002) The use of case studies in researching the conversion to organic farming systems. IOR- HDRA, Ryton Organic Gardens, Coventry, UK. Proceedings of the UK Organic Research Conference 2002, Aberystwyth.
Books & book chapters
Organic Pest and Disease Management A practical guide for Organic Farmers, Growers and Smallholders - Gareth Davies, Phil Sumption and Anton Rosenfeld (2010), Crowood Press, United Kingdom.
Rosenfeld, A., Sumption, P & Davies, G. Organic Vegetable Production Systems. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. (2005) Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.17-34
Davies, G. Sumption, P., Harlock, S. & Nunis, T. Crops, Seeds and Varieties. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.35-66
Sumption, P. Protected Cropping. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.155-169
Sumption, P., Nunis, T., Rosenfeld, A. & Davies, G.. Vegetable Crops for Organic Production. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.226-323
Davies, G & Sumption, P. Sources of Information and Advice. In: Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. (Eds.). Organic Vegetable Production – A Complete Guide. Crowood Press, United Kingdom pp.324-330
Also contributed to; The Organic Farm Management Handbook (ed Lampkin, Measures and Padel), 5th edition (2002), 6th edition (2004) 7th edition (2007), 8th edition (2009), 9th edition (2011), 10th Edition (2014) and 11th Edtion (2017), Davies, G., Turner, B., and Bond, B. (2008), Weed Management for Organic Farmers, Growers and Smallholders - a Complete Guide Crowood Press, United Kingdom, Cubison, S. (2009) Organic Fruit Production and Viticulture – A complete guide, Crowood Press, United Kingdom.
Articles and blogs
I have written numerous articles for magazines including; The Organic Way, The Organic Grower, Organic Farming, The Vegetable Farmer, The Commercial Greenhouse Grower, The Grower and Star & Furrow. I contributed the organic editorial for The Vegetable yearbook from 2003-2013.
Sumption P (2018) Seeds - our culture and our future Agricology
Sumption P (2018) Dutch seed open days - 2018. The Organic Grower - No. 45 Winter 2018
Sumption P (2018) Dean Organic Fund interest free loans. The Organic Grower - No. 44 Autumn 2018
Bliss K, Padel S, Sumption P (2018) OK-NET Arable: Exchanging knowledge, enhancing organic farming ORC Bulletin No. 125 - Summer 2018
Sumption P (2018) Managing potato blight for small growers The Organic Grower - No. 42 Spring 2018
Sumption P (2017) Bucking the trend: an alternative approach to couch control Agricology
Sumption P (2017) Buckwheat for couch control in the summer of the bastard fallow The Organic Grower - No. 41 Winter 2017
Sumption P (2017) UK fears US decision on organic hydroponics post-Brexit ORC Bulletin No. 123 - Autumn/Winter 2017
Sumption P (2017) Agroforestry 2017: improving productivity for farmers and foresters The Organic Grower - No. 40 Autumn 2017
Sumption P, Amos D (2017) Organic potatoes: Cultivating quality - step by step ORC Bulletin No.122 - Spring/Summer 2017
Sumption P (2017) ORC at National Organic Combinable Crops 2017 ORC Bulletin No.122 - Spring/Summer 2017
Sumption P (2017) NOCC NOCC? Who’s there...? Agricology
Sumption P (2016) Practical organic farming solutions for an uncertain future Agricology
Sumption P (2016) Innovative Farmers - allelopathy and potato blight ORC Bulletin No. 120 Spring/Summer 2016
mption P (2016) Agricology open day at Daylesford Organic Farm ORC Bulletin No. 120 Spring/Summer 2016
Price D, Sumption P (2016) The Seed Co-operative finds a home The Organic Grower - No. 35 Summer 2016
Sumption P (2015) Common ground: agroecology, food sovereignty and organic farming in practice Guest blog: Organic Research Centre for GWCT
Sumption P (2015) Horticultural costings tool ORC Bulletin No. 119 Autumn/Winter 2015
Sumption P (2015) A horticultural costings system fit for purpose The Organic Grower - No. 31 Summer 2015
Sumption P (2014) Are Sustainable Intensification & Organic Farming compatible? ARC2020
Sumption P (2014) Field horsetail - a relic of the past The Organic Grower - No. 28 Autumn 2014
Sumption P (2014) Shumei - naturally different The Organic Grower - No. 28 Autumn 2014
Sumption P (2013) Farewell but not goodbye to the retiring Roger Hitchings ORC Bulletin No. 112 Spring/Summer 2013
Sumption P (2012) Agroforestry - a new approach to increasing food production The Organic Grower - No. 21 Autumn 2012
Sumption P (2012) The ‘O’ Word - Use It Or Lose It. Phil Sumption reports on current affairs in the Organic world. The Land Issue 12 Summer 2012
Sumption P (2012) In praise of the nettle The Organic Grower - No. 18 Spring 2012
Sumption P (2012) Allium leaf miner - beware! The Organic Grower - No. 18 Spring 2012
Sumption P (2011) Sciarid flies The Organic Grower - No. 16 Autumn 2011
Meyer-Graft I, Sumption P (2011) Notes from a visit to Northern Germany The Organic Grower - No. 14 Spring 2011
Sumption P (2010) Connecting Organic - Bejo Conference The Organic Grower - No. 13 Winter 2010
Sumption P (2010) Biodynamic plant breeding and seed production workshop The Organic Grower - No. 12 Summer 2010
Sumption P (2010) Rocket science The Organic Grower - No. 12 Summer 2010
Sumption P (2010) Lamb's lettuce/Corn salad The Organic Grower - No.11 Winter 2009/Spring 2010
umption P (2010) OGA award: John and Ruth Daltry The Organic Grower - No. 11 Winter/Spring 2010
Sumption P (2009) New moves in horticultural machinery The Organic Grower - No. 10 Autumn/Winter 2009
Sumption P (2009) Pest in focus- Thrips The Organic Grower - No. 9 Summer 2009
Sumption P (2009) Blight resistant potatoes The Organic Grower - No. 9 Summer 2009
Sumption P (2009) Wakelyns Agroforestry The Organic Grower - No. 9 Summer 2009
Sumption P (2009) Weed profile - Common chickweed The Organic Grower - No.8. Spring 2009
Sumption P (2008) Protected cropping - where are we at? The Organic Grower - No. 6 Autumn 2008
Sumption P, Rosenfeld A (2008) Putting the G into green manures The Organic Grower - No. 5 Summer 2008
Sumption P (2007) Weed profile - Gallant Soldier The Organic Grower- No.2 Autumn 2007
Sumption P (2007) Revolting peasants The Organic Grower - No. 2 Autumn 2007
Sumption P (2007) The great cover-up The Organic Grower - No.1 Summer 2007